Element 2

UN Global Compact: Building Corporate Water Resilience

Themenfeld «öbu-Themenschwerpunkt: Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement»
Wann: Dienstag, 28.05.2024, 14:00 - 15:00
Wo: online
In this webinar, we will address how businesses can identify, measure and address their impacts and dependencies on water by drawing on insights and resources from the CEO Water Mandate and the UN Global Compact (UNGC) Forward Faster initiative.

We invite Swiss and Liechtenstein companies to join these global efforts building water resilience. Participants will be equipped with knowledge and tools to set goals and take action on the road to net-positive water impact.

The free webinar offers

  • Knowledge and tools to set goals and take action on the road to net-positive water impact
  • Recommendations on actions that companies can take to effectively manage water-related risks and build long-term water resilience
  • Practical insights from experts and practitioners in the field such as Andre Ramalho, Lead of the Water Resilience initiative for CEO Water Mandate and Renata Pollini, Head Environment Holcim
  • Q&A session

About us

The UN Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein is the official platform of the New Yorkbased United Nations Global Compact - the world's largest sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative. We promote responsible business practices and sustainability by providing knowledge, tools and trainings to businesses in Switzerland and Liechtenstein and stimulate multi-stakeholder dialogue. We support them in the implementation of the Agenda 2030 to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).